Just go to this link: http://webcropimage.codeplex.com/
or here is sample code:
or here is sample code:if (addimage.HasFile) { filepath = "~/userimages/" + Profile.UserName + "/" + "1" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.GetHashCode()) + addimage.FileName; addimage.SaveAs(MapPath(filepath)); System.Drawing.Image userimage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath(filepath)); string thumbfilepath = "~/userimages/" + Profile.UserName + "/" + "1small" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.GetHashCode()) + addimage.FileName; userimage = crop(userimage,180,180); userimage.Save(thumbfilepath, userimage.RawFormat); imageclass.InsertImages(ticketid, Profile.userid, filepath, newclass.capcheck(title.Text)); } Bitmap crop(System.Drawing.Image userimage, int Width, int Height) { Bitmap newimage = null; newimage = new Bitmap(userimage, Width, Height); return newimage; }
In the below mentioned post, you can see full source code for uplaod and CROP images in ASP.NET/C# using JQUERY.